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Under Review Permalink

  1. Liang L, Zhuang H, Zou J, Acuna DE, The complementary contributions of academia and industry to AI research.
  2. Zhou C, Qiu C, Acuna DE, Paraphrase Identification with Deep Learning: A Review of Datasets and Methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.06933
  3. </a> Acuna DE, Jian J, Zeng T, Liang L, Zhuang H, Predicting the longevity of resources shared in scientific publications (Accepted). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications

2024 Permalink

  1. Zhuang H, Acuna DE (2024), Incorporating costs and benefits to the evaluation of uncertain research results: applications to cancer research funding. Quantitative Science Studies, 1-27
  2. Novoa-Monsalve E, Patterson D, Ludi S, Acuna DE (2024), Science Needs You: Mobilizing for Diversity in Award Recognition. Communications of the ACM, 67(8), 18–21
  3. Taechoyotin P, Acuna D (2024), MISTI: Metadata-Informed Scientific Text and Image Representation through Contrastive Learning. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP 2024), 155–164
  4. Xu H, Liu M, Bu Y, Sun S, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Acuna DE, Gray S, Meyer E, Ding Y (2024), The impact of heterogeneous shared leadership in scientific teams. Information Processing & Management, 61(1), 103542
  5. Leto A, Roy S, Hoyle A, Acuna D, Pacheco ML (2024), A First Step towards Measuring Interdisciplinary Engagement in Scientific Publications: A Case Study on NLP+ CSS Research. Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science (NLP+ CSS 2024), 144–158
  6. Bibal A, Salem N, Cardon R, White E, Acuna D, Burke R, Hunter L (2024), RecSOI: recommending research directions using statements of ignorance. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 15(1), 2

2023 Permalink

  1. Zhuang H, Huang T, Acuna DE (2023), A computational analysis of accessibility, readability, and explainability of figures in open access publications. EPJ Data Science, 12(1), 5

2022 Permalink

  1. Acuna DE, Teplitskiy M, Evans J, Kording K (2022), Author-suggested reviewers rate manuscripts much more favorably: A cross-sectional analysis of the neuroscience section of PLOS ONE. PLOS ONE
  2. Ke Q, Liang L, Ding Y, David SV, Acuna DE (2022), A dataset of mentorship in bioscience with semantic and demographic estimations. Scientific Data, 9(467)
    1. Dataset

2021 Permalink

  1. Acuna DE, Liang L (2021), Are AI Ethics Conferences Different and More Diverse Compared to Traditional Computer Science Conferences?. Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 307–315
    1. Code
    2. demographicx Python package More
  2. Acuna DE, Yi Z, Liang L, Zhuang H (2021), Predicting the usage of scientific datasets based on article, author, institution, and journal bibliometrics. International Conference on Information
  3. Zhuang H, Huang T, Acuna DE (2021), Graphical integrity issues in open access publications: detection and patterns of proportional ink violations. PloS Computational Biology
    1. Code

2020 Permalink

  1. Zeng T, Acuna DE (2020), Finding datasets in publications: the Syracuse University approach. In Lane, Julia I. and Mulvany, Ian and Nathan, Paco (Eds.), Rich Search and Discovery for Research Datasets
  2. Liang L, Acuna DE (2020), Artificial mental phenomena: Psychophysics as a framework to detect perception biases in AI models. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 403–412
    1. Code
  3. Zeng T, Wu L, Bratt S, Acuna DE (2020), Assigning credit to scientific datasets using article citation networks. Journal of Informetrics, 14(2), 101013
  4. Achakulvisut T, Acuna DE, Kording K (2020), Pubmed parser: a python parser for pubmed open-access XML subset and MEDLINE XML dataset XML dataset. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(46), 1979
    1. Code
  5. Jas M, Achakulvisut T, Idrizović A, Acuna DE, Antalek M, Marques V, Odland T, Garg RP, Agrawal M, Umegaki Y, others (2020), Pyglmnet: Python implementation of elastic-net regularized generalized linear models. Journal of Open Source Software, 5(47)
    1. Code
  6. Zeng T, Acuna DE (2020), Modeling citation worthiness by using attention-based bidirectional long short-term memory networks and interpretable models. Scientometrics, 124(1), 399–428
    1. Code
    2. Demo
  7. Zhuang H, Acuna DE (2020), An Automatic Misleading Graph Detection Tool. International Conference on Computational Social Science
  8. Liang L, Acuna DE (2020), Are author, affiliation, and citation networks predictive of a journal getting blacklisted?. International Conference on Computational Social Science
  9. Liang L, Acuna DE (2020), Don’t judge a journal by its cover?: Appearance of a Journal’s website as predictor of blacklisted Open-Access status. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 57(1), e306
  10. Zeng T, Acuna DE (2020), Large-scale author name disambiguation using approximate network structures. International Conference on Computational Social Science
  11. Zeng T, Acuna DE (2020), GotFunding: A grant recommendation system based on scientific articles. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 57(1), e323

2019 Permalink

  1. Lee TG, Acuna DE, Kording KP, Grafton ST (2019), Limiting motor skill knowledge via incidental training protects against choking under pressure. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 26(1), 279–290
  2. Zeng T, Shema A, Acuna DE (2019), Dead science: Most resources linked in biomedical articles disappear in eight years. International Conference on Information, 170–176

2018 Permalink

  1. Acuna DE, Brookes PS, Kording KP (2018), Bioscience-scale automated detection of figure element reuse. BioRxiv, 269415 Article has an altmetric score of 107
    1. (Nature News) Researchers have finally created ... More
    2. (Retraction Watch) What if we could scan for im... More
    3. (BioTechniques) Preventing image fraud across r... More
  2. Teplitskiy M, Acuna D, Elamrani-Raoult A, Körding K, Evans J (2018), The sociology of scientific validity: How professional networks shape judgement in peer review. Research Policy, 47(9), 1825–1841
  3. Liénard JF, Achakulvisut T, Acuna DE, David SV (2018), Intellectual synthesis in mentorship determines success in academic careers. Nature communications, 9(1), 1–13
    1. (Nature Asia) Social sciences: Mentors and the ... More

2017 Permalink

  1. Shema A, Acuna DE (2017), Show Me Your App Usage and I Will Tell Who Your Close Friends Are: Predicting User’s Context from Simple Cellphone Activity. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2929–2935

2016 Permalink

  1. Ramkumar P, Acuna DE, Berniker M, Grafton ST, Turner RS, Kording KP (2016), Chunking as the result of an efficiency computation trade-off. Nature communications, 7(1), 1–11
  2. Ethier C, Acuna D, Solla SA, Miller LE (2016), Adaptive neuron-to-EMG decoder training for FES neuroprostheses. Journal of neural engineering, 13(4), 046009
  3. Achakulvisut T, Acuna DE, Ruangrong T, Kording K (2016), Science Concierge: A fast content-based recommendation system for scientific publications. PloS ONE, 11(7), e0158423

2008-2015 Permalink

  1. Acuna DE, Berniker M, Fernandes HL, Kording KP (2015), Using psychophysics to ask if the brain samples or maximizes. Journal of vision, 15(3), 7–7
  2. Acuna DE, Wymbs NF, Reynolds CA, Picard N, Turner RS, Strick PL, Grafton ST, Kording KP (2014), Multifaceted aspects of chunking enable robust algorithms. Journal of neurophysiology, 112(8), 1849–1856
  3. Acuna DE, Penner O, Orton CG (2013), The future h-index is an excellent way to predict scientistsˈ future impact. Medical Physics, 40(11)
  4. Avraham G, Nisky I, Fernandes HL, Acuna DE, Kording KP, Loeb GE, Karniel A (2012), Toward perceiving robots as humans: Three handshake models face the turing-like handshake test. IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 5(3), 196–207
  5. Acuna DE, Allesina S, Kording KP (2012), Predicting scientific success. Nature, 489(7415), 201–202 Article has an altmetric score of 301
  6. Acuna DE (2011), Rational Bayesian Analysis of Sequential Decision-Making Under Uncertainty In Humans and Machines. [Ph.D. Thesis] University of Minnesota
  7. Acuna DE, Parada V (2010), People efficiently explore the solution space of the computationally intractable traveling salesman problem to find near-optimal tours. PloS ONE, 5(7), e11685
  8. Acuna DE, Schrater P (2010), Structure learning in human sequential decision-making. PLoS computational biology, 6(12), e1001003
  9. Acuna DE, Schrater P (2009), Improving bayesian reinforcement learning using transition abstraction. Proceedings of the ICML/UAI/COLT Workshop on Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning, 1
  10. Acuna DE, Schrater P (2008), Bayesian modeling of human sequential decision-making on the multi-armed bandit problem. Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the cognitive science society, 100, 200–300
  11. Acuna DE, Schrater P (2008), Structure learning in human sequential decision-making. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 1–8